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Liturgical Year A (Matthew’s Gospel)

In Advent a new Liturgical Year begins and the focus of the Gospel proclamation for the forthcoming year changes.  

In Advent of the Liturgical Year A, the Christian Community begins the proclamation of the Gospel According to Matthew. This Gospel is then proclaimed throughout the following twelve months - with occasional exceptions - until Advent of the following year, when the Gospel of Mark is then proclaimed.

  • You might like to begin an overview and brief study on some of texts of Matthew’s Gospel by Fr Michael. Click on this live-streamed link and the actual presentation starts at 33 secs in the recorded video. Notes to the presentation (“Matthew’s Gospel in the Time of the Corona”) are found here.

  • For a general overview of the Gospel, consult this summary from Australia’s National Catholic Education Commission.

  • ​If you are interested in studying Matthew’s Gospel for the Liturgical Year A, there are two opportunities:  

    • The first is by Donald Senior CP (1940-2022), the renowned Catholic biblical scholar of Matthew’s Gospel.

    • The second is by Fr Michael, our parish priest who teaches Bible for the Australian Catholic University.

  • A helpful dramatic presentation of Matthew’s Gospel, faithful to the text, can be viewed from the Internet Archive. It is in two parts. The first runs for 2’ 13’’. The second for 2’ 27”. They are worth watching!

  • One of the best movies on the Gospel of Matthew is the 2 hr 11 min, 1964 Italian production (with English subtitles) by Pier Paolo Pasolini. It can be accessed here


  • This link will take you to a 2’ 36” audio reading of the Gospel of Matthew (in the NIV version of the Bible) by the well-known actor, David Suchet.

456 Henley Beach Road, Lockleys South Australia 5032, Australia

Office Opening Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays  9am to 12pm,

Thursdays & Fridays 9:30am to 12:30pm


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