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Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina is an ancient monastic prayer practice which can be prayed alone or with others. This explanation here offers the background and process for praying in the spirit of Lectio Divina.


The brief audio below explains the parish practice of daily Lectio Divina which can be emailed to you.

An Invitation To Pray Lectio Divina

If you would like to receive a daily guided Lectio Divina from Michael, our parish priest, feel free to email him at


Below is an example of Michael's guided Lectio Divina for Thursday of week 15 in Ordinary Time (16 July, 2020). There are other examples beneath that, too, to which you might like to listen. 

Sample - Lectio Divina - Thursday 16 Jul 2020 - Ordinary Time 15

456 Henley Beach Road, Lockleys South Australia 5032, Australia

Office Opening Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays  9am to 12pm,

Thursdays & Fridays 9:30am to 12:30pm


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